Suite 410, Nawa Complex, Jahi, Abuja, Nigeria

At YLG GROUP LTD, our commitment to sustainability extends to fostering social inclusion, a broad pillar that revolves around three fundamental elements of social and economic sustainability: health, education, and livelihood. This initiative not only focuses on our internal colleagues but also extends its reach outward to the communities we serve.

The Three Pillars of Social Inclusion

Our strategy for social inclusion encompasses three core elements, each accompanied by a range of initiatives designed to advance the social inclusion agenda. These include structured volunteering programs within our businesses, collaborative partnerships, and advocacy efforts.

Empowering Through Grassroots Engagement

To truly breathe life into our sustainability strategy, we believe in a grassroots approach that empowers individuals at every level of our organization. Colleagues should have a voice in shaping and executing our sustainability agenda, and their active involvement should be facilitated across all aspects of our sustainability initiatives. Volunteering plays a pivotal role in engaging our colleagues and is an integral component of how each of our businesses integrates sustainability into its core operations. With unwavering commitment and leadership from the top, we aim to make a meaningful impact through the collective efforts of our colleagues.

Prioritizing Health and Well-being

Our health agenda is dedicated to enhancing the physical and mental health and well-being of our communities. We are deeply committed to mental health awareness through our charity, MINDSET, which operates in both Hong Kong and Singapore.

MINDSET - Transforming Perceptions, Fostering Well-being

MINDSET's vision is to create inclusive communities where everyone is empowered to enhance their mental health. To achieve this vision, MINDSET focuses on challenging mental health stigma, raising awareness, and supporting initiatives aimed at fostering improved mental health. This is achieved through corporate stewardship, education, advocacy, and sponsorship, all while actively collaborating with the mental health community to drive positive change.

Promoting Livelihood and Quality of Life

Our commitment to 'Livelihood' is rooted in the belief that doing business should ensure access to opportunities that enhance the quality of life for both our colleagues and the communities where we operate. Our key focus includes supporting quality of life through tailored programs that address community-specific needs and providing relief in response to natural disasters by leveraging our skills, networks, and in-kind donations where needed.

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