Suite 410, Nawa Complex, Jahi, Abuja, Nigeria

Our proactive efforts are channeled towards fostering an inclusive workplace where each individual can flourish. It's a place where people can authentically express themselves, where they sense a genuine sense of belonging.

We uphold the principle that every employee, irrespective of ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, background, or religion, deserves equitable and dignified treatment. They should enjoy equal opportunities and be esteemed for the valuable contributions they bring to their roles. We firmly denounce all forms of bullying, intimidation, discrimination, or harassment. Our philosophy revolves around treating others as we ourselves would expect to be treated.

To cultivate an inclusive workplace, we weave Diversity and Inclusion principles into the very fabric of our business and human resource practices. This approach includes:

  • Sustained collaboration with our Group companies to establish an encompassing set of inclusive work arrangements and policies that champion Diversity and Inclusion.

  • Ensuring that our recruitment, promotion, and retention processes are equitable, grounded in merit, and focused on aptitude.

  • Actively managing and supporting the careers of our talent pools, thereby providing equitable opportunities that pave the way for a diverse future cadre of leaders.

  • Nurturing the right array of leadership behaviors through learning campaigns, reinforcing that our people embody the principles we have set in motion.

This policy holds as a Group-wide commitment, applying to all employees within YLG GROUP LTD. Our individual Group companies may develop their unique Diversity & Inclusion Policies, guided by the overarching principles of this policy. We are dedicated to fostering a work environment that champions diversity and inclusion, thus enhancing our people's growth and our collective success.

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